lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru was established as a Kenya National Park in 1961, with its surrounding savannah comprising different animal species. The Lake Nakuru National Park is close to Nakuru city and the nearest mountain vicinity. The word Nakuru originated from Maasai Language, which means dusty place. Lake Nakuru National Park is protected under the Ramsar Convention on wetlands. Visitors to Lake Nakuru National Park can enjoy the wide ecological diversity and varied habitats that range from Lake Nakuru itself to the surrounding escarpment and picturesque ridges. Lake Nakuru National Park is ideal for bird watching, hiking, picnic, and game drives. The park’s main feature is Lake Nakuru supporting fantastic birdlife, including big flocks of pelicans and variable flocks of flamingos. The lake was once famous for its flamingos; however, since 2012, conditions have become unfavorable for these birds, and most have moved to other Rift Valley lakes. Lake Nakuru offers easy wildlife viewing of most big safari animals, except for elephants. Black and white rhino were re-introduced in the 1990s and bred to healthy populations. The white rhino is usually easy to see on the lakeshore. Rothschild giraffe, buffalo, and hippo are numerous as well. Lucky visitors might see lions, which occasionally climb trees. Leopard is present but not often encountered.